
LupLab is a Computer Science Education (CSEd) research group, hosted in the Department of Computer Science, at the University of California, Davis, and headed by Prof. Joël Porquet-Lupine.

Our activities focus primarily on pedagogical and curricular innovation for teaching undergraduate computer science courses.

Most recent news/blog entries

  • Gender differences in (remote) class participation in core CS courses

    Then the pandemic happened and as we continued studying these gender differences for the same two core CS courses, which were now taught remotely, we noticed a dramatic change. For the first time, male and female students were participating at the same rate on the online class forum.

  • LupBook poster at the UC Davis URC conference

    Three students from LupLab have presented their work on LupBook at the 35th Annual UC Davis Undergraduate Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference last week. Jillian Lim presented her work on adding a navigational sidebar and improving the UI/UX, while Arnav Rastogi and Russell Umboh presented the new interactive activities...

  • Promotion to Associate Professor of Teaching

    I’m proud to announce that my promotion to “Associate Professor of Teaching” was approved and will be effective in July 2024.

  • Quarterly update WQ24

    Here is our status at the end of the winter quarter 2024.

  • Personal project ideas

    Students often ask me for suggestions on how to improve their programming skills during their spare time. I typically mention personal projects that they could start (picking a project for which they genuinely have a dire need), open-source projects that they use and to which they could contribute, or any...