Here is our status at the end of the spring quarter 2024.

  • Noah Krim and I have started our reimplementation of VRV (Virtual RISC-V). We decided to extract the emulation engine to an independent library (libvrv), which Noah has started implementing. This library provides a public API which is used by various clients. I rewrote the command-line client (vrv-cli).
  • LupBook has made some good progress. Arnav Rastogi and Russell Umboh finished implementing a new “Horizontal Parsons” component. Jillian Lim implemented a prototype of a new navigation system. I undertook the gruelling task of refactoring our codebase since many of our components were sharing a lot of code.
  • Niharika Misal and Saili Karkare wrote draft papers about our current CS study looking at the perception of success and actual success between native students and transfer students.