
LupLab is a Computer Science Education (CSEd) research group, hosted in the Department of Computer Science, at the University of California, Davis, and headed by Prof. Joël Porquet-Lupine.

Our activities focus primarily on pedagogical and curricular innovation for teaching undergraduate computer science courses.

Most recent news/blog entries

  • LupBook poster at the UC Davis URC conference

    Three students from LupLab have presented their work on LupBook at the 35th Annual UC Davis Undergraduate Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference last week. Jillian Lim presented her work on adding a navigational sidebar and improving the UI/UX, while Arnav Rastogi and Russell Umboh presented the new interactive activities...

  • Promotion to Associate Professor of Teaching

    I’m proud to announce that my promotion to “Associate Professor of Teaching” was approved and will be effective in July 2024.

  • Quarterly update WQ24

    Here is our status at the end of the winter quarter 2024.

  • Personal project ideas

    Students often ask me for suggestions on how to improve their programming skills during their spare time. I typically mention personal projects that they could start (picking a project for which they genuinely have a dire need), open-source projects that they use and to which they could contribute, or any...

  • Quarterly update FQ23

    Here is our status at the end of the fall quarter 2023.